Who is telling the truth?
Is it the Lancashire County Council Highways Portfolio holder or is it
the Leader of the Conservative Borough Council Group?
The current Conservative election leaflet in Ormskirk under the by-line of Cllr David Westley says: “The
Conservatives are back in control of Lancashire. They have … re-instated the plan for the
Ormskirk by-pass”
Imagine my surprise (or perhaps not given my experience of
the local Conservative Borough Group Leader) to learn yesterday from County Councillor
Keith Iddon, the Highways Portfolio Holder that “I can confirm that the
Ormskirk Bypass is not part of the county council’s plans for managing the
transport network in West Lancashire”.
You can read the documents here and form your own judgment.
Conservative leaflet 19th April
Letter from the County Councillor Iddon, Highways Portfolio Holder, 23rd April
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